Naming your ships

The Ancient Gaming Noob brought up an interesting subject: do you name your ship ?

From what I remember I have always named my ships, except maybe some disposable shuttles. I started out naming them (or at least the bigger ones) after star trek ships. There is some wiki out there that lists quite a few. Then I used a list of uss aircraft carrier ships (USS Kitty Hawk is kinda cool), but that got a bit lame as well.

Now I just use whatever comes up :). My raven is still named Phoenix, most of my haulers something silly like The AFK Hauler. Omber Homber, or NomNomNom for Hulk or Retriever.

4 thoughts on “Naming your ships”

  1. It depends. If I’m expecting to lose the ship soon, it isn’t worth the trouble to come up with a witty name.

    However, ships that I expect to keep for quite some time do get names. When I do name them, I tend to stick into a theme: For example, the last 3 Drakes I had were named Trader’s Folly, Gambler’s Compulsion and the Victim’s Guilt.

  2. In a game where there is so little opportunity to make yourself visibly unique, naming your ship is about all you can do to mark the ship as your own.

  3. Yep, I always name my ships. I like to have a theme for them, and the obvious army/ war/ navy names just aren’t for me.

    So I use London Underground station names 🙂 Works for me, and I have plenty to chose from

  4. I try to find a good name and then number them if I happen to lost them.
    (The awesome cloud I, The awesome cloud II, etc)

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