Eve Wishlist

Some of the other EVE Online Bloggers posted a wishlist of things you’d like to see changed in Eve, so after some thought I came up with this list:


– more engaging and fun missions

– a choice between short and long missions would be nice. Sometimes you only have an hour or something and that is simply too short for a Guristas Extravaganza, but plenty of time for Duo of Death.


Drones should have one simple option added: ‘attack as group’. Drone AI (!) has improved lately, but they still wander off sometimes, after they destroyed their target, each attacking another target. This simple option would improve that situation a lot.

Ship Setups

Being able to save a ship’s setup. For example, you could have a raven setup for torps + kinetic / thermal hardeners and a cruise missile + em / general hardeners, so instead of swapping out all the individual parts, you simpy select a previously created setup and the modules are loaded from your bay onto your ship


Easier way to look through your inventory, including containers ! The longer you play the more stuff you leave around the Eve galaxy. And searching through it, is a PITA atm.

Skill Queueing

This one seems to be on everybody’s list : Skill Queuing. Especially the shorter skills are annoying. Like 3 – 4 hrs. You cant start those unless you know you’re going to be able to change skill once they’re done. I dont understand why they dont allow this. There could be a max of 3 skills in the queue or something like that. As an alternative, a web interface to your character would be nice as well, to allow the player to easily change his training.

Think there are a lot more things that could be improved, but for now, that’s my list !


Crazy Kinux List

The ancient gaming noob’s List

War Video

Two weeks ago The Otaku Invasion of which my corp Rakeriku is a member, was war-decced by Hooligans of War. A small pvp corp, looking for some kills in empire space. What they probably didnt know is that OI has quite a few experienced Eve players as members. The rakeriku industrial flag is no longer very accurate as some members do also engage in Pvp regularly or have done that in the past. So after the week the war was over, HOW had heavily underestimated the strength of OI. Some losses on our side, a few cruisers and frigs. On their side however, a few Hacs and recon ships. You can see the results on our killboard.

Thanks to Hitman47 some fights were recorded on video !

[flv:/movies/OIvsHOW.flv 480 368]

Unfortunetely, I logged on at the wrong times and managed to not be part of the action :(. I did fly around a bit in my Covops ships cloaked though ;).

Revelations Tutorial

As you might have read in the patchnotes of Revelations, the tutorial for Eve was revamped. I remember walking through the whole thing when I started out in november 2005, it was helpful, but it also left more questions that it answered ;). Then you were dropped in the rookie chat channel for the 1st 30 days of your Eve Online life. But that channel was so busy, the answers and questions scrolled by so fast, you could hardly read it.

The new tutorial seems to be a lot better and focuses more on action. The Acient Gaming Noob has taken the trouble to walk through the new tutorial and posts about it on his blog:

 Revelations Tutorial I

 Revelations Tutorial II


While starting up Eve I noticed the eve-online.tv ad and remembered I wanted to check it out. Only to find out it’s a service you have to pay for ! It’s explained on eve-o forums in this thread. The people they hired to present the show might look pretty but as it turned out after some reading most of them only just started playing eve and were probably hired as ‘pretty faces’ for the show.

Well I am not going to pay for this show, in this day and age where you can download, very well produced, podcasts (audio and video ones) for free, I think it’s a bit ridiculous to ask their customers to shell out more money. I wouldnt have mind some commercials or maybe some less pretty faces ;).

Revelations II

Revelations Part II will be released tomorrow !

Patch Notes

This is my favourite part, especially note the part on loyalty points now being given count for a corporation, not a specific agent :

Agent Mission Improvements

Revelations II will introduce Level 5 Agents, and with them the most challenging PVE encounters for players yet in EVE. These missions are designed for capital ships or small gangs, who will face NPC elements that include dreadnoughts, carriers, and other mammoth adversaries that require vast amounts of firepower to take down.

To encourage group participation for tackling agent missions of any difficulty, gang support for missions will also be added, splitting the bounty for success evenly between participants. As for the actual rewards, the agent offer system is being enhanced in two ways: loyalty points will now be cumulative towards the issuing corporation of the agent, not the individual agents themselves; and with the addition of a new loyalty point store, in which players can view the entire list of available corporation reward offers and select which ones to accept as determined by their affordability in loyalty points and/or merchandise.

  • Ten Level 5 agents for each Empire (nine for Caldari. Why nine? Don’t ask us, ask the Jovians!) have been placed in selected low-security systems.
  • Approximately thirty Level 5 missions are available for each Empire, focusing primarily on the growing conflicts between the four Empires.
  • Carrier-class NPCs have been created for each Empire, along with Fighter-class support.
  • Freighter-class NPCs have been created for each Empire.
  • Most factions now have access to Energy Neutralizer Towers to increase their defensive capabilities.
  • Empire Navy NPCs now drop loot as well as tags.
  • Missions now have basic gang support. Choosing the “Me and my gang have completed the mission” option at the end of a mission will cause LP, ISK and Standing rewards to be split equally between up to five people in a gang.
  • The existing LP/Offers system has been replaced with the new “LP Store” feature.
  • LPs are now attached to NPC corporations rather than individual agents; all existing LPs will be migrated from the individual agents to their parent corporations.
  • The LP Store now contains a wide variety of new offers for implants, factional hardware and blueprints. Offers vary between factions and between corporations within a faction

Brief Hiatus

Ah it’s been way too long since I posted here ! Morph went into a brief break, secluding himself from the world, while learning all about guns and some other related skills :). Already have a nice cash reserve from running lvl 4 missions, which is soon gonna be spend on some gear for Morph’s alt, since she is ready to fly Amarr Hacs ! Morph is now getting back to business while casually doing some lvl 3 missions to get back into the Eve groove…